Circel of life!

Where do you get your inspiation from?
Where do I get my inspiration from?

Do the inspiration keeps me alive or do I keep my inspiration alive?

Big though?

Anyway, I find inspiration in my life from peole in my life. Sometimes a colour givs it to me or sometimes a 2 yers old child hit me right there.
I have 3 big sources of inspiration. One helps me through ruff days, one  help me to keep my mind opend and one makes me wana give it all.
This is just sources, the biggest and the most important one I find in my heart.

Sometimes you give me inspiration by make a comment on my blogg and that gives me the courage to give other poeple inspiration. Thats for me the "circle of life".
Always let peope know and pass it on!

Let your heart inspire you!


Postat av: Just me

Let there be no doubt that you have the ability to inspire people, and I know for a fact that it has been lifechangeing! Keep up the good work! You ARE inspiration! :)

2010-06-07 @ 23:15:13

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